…more in Rome (II) – Castel Sant’Angelo and fountains…

The Vatican, from the castle’s top level.
Palazzo Venezia (middle)
Fontana di Trevi (fountain of three roads… it’s at an intersection), situated at a end point of an aqueduct. The fountain is magnificent, took some 30 years to complete, with initial sketches by Bernini, then designed and started by Salvi, and completed by Pannini in 1762. It is at a building’s side — Palazzo Poli, rather than in a circle, and depicts Oceanus’ chariot in the middle and Tritons guiding it.
…packed with tourists/admirers throughout the day.
Fontana dei Quattro Fiumi (Fountain of Four Rivers – Nile, Danube, Ganges, and Rรญo de la Plata, designed in the 17c by Bernini.)
Scalinata di Trinitร  dei Monti (The Spanish Steps)